In the early 2000s, I was making rock posters and was visible enough that Rammellzee emailed me out of the blue to talk about an idea or something. I was confused, thinking that he was looking for this other artist by the same first name (he was), but he responded with the coolest, strangest email just going off about afrofuturist stuff. We had a few exchanges, but I lost them in a hard drive crash.
In the early 2000s, I was making rock posters and was visible enough that Rammellzee emailed me out of the blue to talk about an idea or something. I was confused, thinking that he was looking for this other artist by the same first name (he was), but he responded with the coolest, strangest email just going off about afrofuturist stuff. We had a few exchanges, but I lost them in a hard drive crash.